The Success Formula is simple:

⭐ Goals ☀️ Habits → 💭 Reflection → 💯 Outcome

It means that:

⭐ Goals

🙅 Having ambitious goals won't make you succeed. 💩 Having shitty systems will make you fail.

If you don't define systems for the life you wanna live you are led by the shitty systems you unconsciously already have implemented.

This template focuses on helping you build A SOLID SYSTEM to apply to your life.

❌ It's more than saying you're going to do it, it makes you tell HOW you're going to do.

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Areas of Focus are merely a way to categorize areas of your life so you can make sure you have goals linked to relevant things you care about. Examples would be: Spiritual, Health, Social, Work, Financial, etc.

You can add a new Area of Focus here to link to your goals:


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Create your first goal before moving on:


☀️ Habits

Habits System are the HOW and WHEN.

It explains how's the life of someone that achieved what you envision.